Annual Social, Quiz Night and Presentation Evening
Post date: Jan 19, 2016 12:41:22 PM
Annual Social, Quiz Night and Presentation Evening.
Annual Social, Quiz Night and Presentation Evening.
Friday 26th February
From 7pm
At the Three Links Club (Oddfellows House, 26 Rectory Lane, BD23 1ER Skipton - at the back of the large car park behind the High Street)
Please join us for a great social occasion to get the season underway. A great chance for new and old members to mingle and have fun. Bring yourself, a partner, your family… or even your crew!
Event and buffet supper:
Event and buffet supper:
£10 adult
£5 children
Payment and booking by Tuesday 16th February
by cheque* payable to ‘Craven Sailing Club’
to Julie at 41 Long Meadow, Skipton, BD23 1BP
Email if you do not have cheque facilities and alternative arrangement can be made.